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lunedì 1 maggio 2017

Elon Musk's TED 2017 Full Interview #elonmusk

Dr. Joe Show April 30, 2017 - #solarpanel #polyphenol via @joeschwarcz

In this Episode:

Solar panel and new green source of energy

Fabric softener

Polyphenol and free radicals

Circadian rhythm

Insieme ad una roccia Lunare e parte del Computer di bordo Apollo | Astrocaffe Ep. 121 #tiportolaluna

Why Don't Time Machines Exist Already? #science #timetravl #timemachine

Watch SpaceX land its 10th rocket for top secret mission #spacex #flacon9 #elonmus

Ecco perché siamo davvero Andati sulla Luna (ft Paolo Attivissimo) | Astrocaffè Ep. 120 #debunking

How Does Individual File Encryption Work? #encryption

Tesla Now the Most Valuable Car Company in the US - Why? #Tesla #ElonMusk

Quick D - The Method Robot #robot #method #debunking #captaindisillusion