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giovedì 14 dicembre 2017

How BIG is #Bitcoin? (6th Largest Currency) - #CryptoCurrency #Economy

What If You Only Ate Meat? - #AsapScience #Meat

The Star Wars: Concept Trailer - #StarWars #Concept #Origin #Trailer #RalphMcQuarrie

Tutto quello che c’è da sapere sul poliziotto americano che spara a un tizio inerme - #Debunking #Shy #BreakingItaly #AlessandroMasala

Marco Columbro e il Gesù alieno - #Caffè & #Debunking

The Origin of Our First Interstellar Visitor | Space Time - #PanSTARRS #Oumuamua

This Particle Breaks Time Symmetry - #Time #Physics #Veritasium #Particle #Simmetry

Why HIV Isn't a Death Sentence Anymore - #HIV #AIDS #Medicine #Health