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lunedì 15 ottobre 2018

Why Carbon Dating Might Be in Danger - #SuessEffect #CarbonDating

SpaceX Vs. Blue Origin Vs. ISRO, Who will dominate the Future of Space?

OTD in #Space - Oct. 15: #Cassini #Huygens Launches to Saturn

Saudi Arabia: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

La dieta dei GRUPPI SANGUIGNI. - #debunking via @DarioBressanini

Corrado Lamberti - Onda su Onda. Una nuova finestra sull’Universo: le onde gravitazionali

Cosa sono gli ammassi stellari? #AstroCaffè

OTD in #Space - Oct. 14: #ChuckYeager Breaks the Sound Barrier

A Proof That The Square Root of Two Is Irrational - #vsauce #michael

10 Viral Videos Debunked - #debunking #fakenews #fakevideos