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lunedì 11 giugno 2018

NASA's Mars Rover Is Facing 'Dark, Perpetual Night' As Dust Storm Envelopes Mars

VERITÀ e FALSI MITI su #ILIAD: copertura, velocità e LE VOSTRE DOMANDE da TuttoAndroid

Blastare i populisti, non era controproducente? - Preferiti del mese #maggio - #debunking via @juannepili

The Pizza Theorem - #VSauce #DONG

The bizarre ripples that form in a stream of water

Monogamy, explained - #Vox #Explained #Netflix

This Week In Tech June 2-8 2018 - #FlyingCar #Facebook #Google #Election #Blockchain #Ethereum #Amazon #Apple #DigitalPlate

This Week in Tech: June 2 - June 8, 2018

Flying Car Firsts, Blockchain Religions, Digital License Plates, and More

OTD in #Space – June 10: Classic Curved Space Lecture Spoken

5 Creepy #Weather Phenomena That Shouldn't Be Allowed