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mercoledì 28 marzo 2018

Hubble Views Galaxy Lacking Dark Matter

Galaxy With 'Little to No' Dark Matter Spied by Hubble

Watch a gel embedded with heart cells change color with every beat

Mars in a Minute: Are There Quakes on Mars?

OTD in Space – March 28: Last Test Flight of NASA's Saturn 1 Rocket Booster

La stazione cinese Tiangong 1 ci cadrà in testa? - Fisica on tour #001

Napolitano figlio di Umberto II di Savoia? #AntiBufalaFlash

Stelle nate vicino al buco nero Sagittarius A* - #AstroCaffè #AdrianFartade #Link4Universe via @Link2Universe

Buonismo - #Shy #Debunking #BreakingItaly #AlessandroMasala via @ShooterHatesYou

OTD in Space – March 27: Phobos 2 Mission to Martian Moon Ends in Failure

Space: The Next Trillion Dollar Industry

Searching for Life on Europa? Going Under the Ice

Interstellar Travel with Wendover and Neil Tyson

Why Do Some Drugs Make Your Pupils Wider?